# Default values for portainer. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: 1 # If enterpriseEdition is enabled, then use the values below _instead_ of those in .image enterpriseEdition: enabled: true image: repository: portainer/portainer-ee tag: 2.18.3 pullPolicy: Always image: repository: portainer/portainer-ce tag: 2.18.3 pullPolicy: Always imagePullSecrets: [] nodeSelector: {} serviceAccount: annotations: {} name: portainer-sa-clusteradmin service: # Set the httpNodePort and edgeNodePort only if the type is NodePort # For Ingress, set the type to be ClusterIP and set ingress.enabled to true # For Cloud Providers, set the type to be LoadBalancer type: ClusterIP httpPort: 9000 httpsPort: 9443 annotations: haproxy.org/server-ssl: "true" tls: # If set, Portainer will be configured to use TLS only force: true # If set, will mount the existing secret into the pod existingSecret: "" mtls: # If set, Portainer will be configured to use mTLS only enable: false # If set, will mount the existing secret into the pod existingSecret: "" feature: flags: "" ingress: enabled: true ingressClassName: haproxy annotations: cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-prod kubernetes.io/ingress.class: haproxy # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx # Only use below if tls.force=true # nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: HTTPS # Note: Hosts and paths are of type array hosts: - host: portainer.geesink.org paths: - path: "/" tls: - hosts: - portainer.geesink.org secretName: portainer-cert-prod resources: {} persistence: enabled: true size: "10Gi" annotations: {} storageClass: existingClaim: